12 Jun 2008

Plain, Simple and Pink

My girlfriend Angela has always badgered me to do more on my blog. Post pictures! Links! Have music and err.. I can't recall what else. I think if I gave her free rein, I think it will look a lot better than its current state. Babe, you want to try?

But I have never done more than to colour the background and text and change the fonts. Apart from my ineptitude with the simplest of tech, I found that self-expression pervades everything in my life and that translates to Plain and Simple.

My clothes, bedroom, scrapbooks, photo albums, Facebook account, and almost everything says the same thing. It's always be plain (rarely patterned) colours, decorated in a way that's almost childish. If I took photos of my wardrobe, shoe cupboard, scrapbooks and bedroom, you'll know what I mean.

Maybe it's a Virgo thing.

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